This Probably Shouldn't Be Shocking. . .


My big breakthrough in therapy, so far, is I allow other people and their criticisms to define me. 

Some may be uttering 'Duh!' 

But apparently, it is far deeper ingrained and tightly linked to my self-worth and definition of success than I had already assumed before going on this little mental health and self realization journey. 

I know there is lot of boiling depression, anger, and anxiety that has been anchoring me for a long while. I knew it came from certain triggers or interactions through life, but I was less aware how much I've fastened on other's negative perceptions of me to myself. 

I've allowed that to be how I saw myself. 

Apparently, I'm allowed to challenge someone when their critical or even not actually believe them. 

Yeah, it takes a while for me to catch on to things it would appear. 

In case you were wondering, yes cognitive behavioural therapy is draining and exhausting, and I am glad there are tissues in the office.

Actual pop culture writing and thoughts will be on here soon. Just really wiped and drained at the moment. But it will be a a great thing for me and the site in the long-term.
