My Writing Career and Other Creative Endeavours in July 2024

I've spent the past year crying, 'Ouch! My career has a giant boo-boo!' 

It seems only proper to say my career is slowly stomping its way towards the sunshine. Hopefully, my self-confidence and emotional health will follow the lead soon enough. Since I've had questions for over a decade about what I do, it seems a great time to provide a current career update. 

My day job and majority of my focus is writing ad copy, social media posts, blogs, and other marketing content for various businesses including insurance, lawncare, law firms, mortgage, real estate, and parenting products. I work directly with some of these clients while others are through an ad agency. 

Since this seems to be the main focus of my writing for now, I'm looking to increase the amount of clients I work with directly rather than using other agencies. If you have a business where you need help crafting content for your social media and sites or want strategies to increase your reach, engagement, and exposure, please consider reaching out to me. I can provide a portfolio of my past work with references, and we can discuss the best professional relationship committed to improving your business's marketing strategies. 

I don't currently have ongoing pop culture and film criticism work (oh, those were the days), but when I have time, I still send out pitches to various publications and sites, and I do still get some work published and I'm building relationships with many editors in the field. 

Having steady work again means I can afford the time to start growing the site and podcast which I confess has been in dire shape. I have some time next week that I can devote to crafting movie reviews and similar articles for the site while committing to the podcast again. My dream is to build up an audience where this can be a significant part of my career. 

The whole reason why I wanted to be a writer as a little kid is my fiction. I am going to block out time each week to start refining my short stories and novel manuscripts and will be sending things out in a few months to publications and publishers. Fiction as a part of my career will become a thing. 

Now, the creative aspect that makes me no money and I'll be pleasantly surprised if it ever does is my acting/performing. The family has a big show in 'The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe' next month and two more shows after that. I plan to continue to work on my craft and get lessons to work on my weak points like singing, and see where this current love takes me. 

Since I never thought I'd be in a musical, who knows what other creative projects I'll take on in the future. 

Consider yourself updated on my writing career and other creative pursuits.
