Flood of Thoughts

I am anxious and overwhelmed this sunny Sunday evening. 

I was hit with a flood of emotions and thoughts this week along with some water that didn’t agree with our basement. The place where my kids played and grew up was torn up in a day. This coming week I am alone and it was designed to be focused on getting ahead on client and personal projects. 
There will be more flood things to deal with and I have discovered I don’t manage interruptions well like phone calls or workers coming in while trying to write and create. I can’t focus knowing it will happen and even worse trying to get back in a groove after it happened. 

I also feel so spent and worn out, but I know the only way to match my ambitions is to keep working away. I am great at having multiple plans but my self-worth and battered emotions leave a trail of things undone. 

The fear of disappointment and failure haunts me. Not only with my goals for my career, site, podcast, and books, but even my new love for theatre This past week's whirlwind meant I did very little memorizing of lines. Nasty little voices are taunting me that I may disappoint and not measure up. 


This week also taught me my family is really great at working together. We pulled through and supported each other. We loved each other in our different ways. We came out stronger. As I deal with these feelings over the coming week, I know that I have family and loved ones as support and help. I just need to remember that much more often. 

Every situation has its gems hidden underneath. This week I learned how strong and great my family can be through life’s challenges.
