Come with the Spicers to Narnia this August

Quite often, someone will ask me, 'So, what is the next show your family is performing in?' This is when the realization hits me that we are the 'Theatre Family' now among those who know us. Even then, they are shocked to find out we're in rehearsals for a new show right after the previous one had just wrapped up.

This is the case now as we said farewell to Anastasia and two weeks later jumped into rehearsals for another Playful Fox Production show, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. The play will be coming to Kitchener and Fergus this August.

This is a very special one for a few reasons.

I grew up loving fantasy stories and would gobble up every novel that I could find as a kid. One of my favourites, probably because it actually got read in the Christian school I attended, was the Narnia series. The best of the series remains The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and I remember often climbing into closets hoping I'd find a magical world on the other side. I always had a soft spot for those stories where a kid is swept into a magical land like Alice in Wonderland, Wizard of Oz, and A Wrinkle in Time. 

Young Christopher would be thrilled to discover I landed a part in an adaptation of one of his favourite stories. Old Christopher loves the fact I get to play fantasy and imagination with fun costumes just like I did as a kid. but now people buy tickets to watch it (another thing young Christopher would love). One of my favourite characters was Mr. Beaver, so this is a role I'm really excited to take on.

I should note that I still love fantasy and the Narnia books, but I've just allowed my tastes to expand. Everett now carries the tradition of gobbling up as many fantasy and adventure books as he can find.

I leaped out of my comfort zone and did my first big audition last September with the goal of sharing the stage with my family. Though I did push around Everett's cart and I have had many scenes with Emily, this will be the first time we will all be interacting on the stage together. We are really pushing ourselves by playing a family. A beaver family. The beaver part will require some actual acting, even if the family part comes more easily.

There is a chemistry a family naturally shares, and we bring the best out of each other when performing together. It will be a blast to finally realize the dream of acting together on the stage (in the past, most of our scenes have been separate or we are doing a dance number but not interacting directly.) Actually, we did play a family in Beauty and the Beast, but our actual interaction was a total of 10 seconds, so I am not counting it.

If you've read the novel, then you are aware that Mr. and Mrs. Beaver are pretty significant characters. Everett got to be Chip in Beauty and the Beast and Danika played Little Anastasia, and both have proven they are great when given important roles. Now, it is their parents' turn to see what they can do when they're expected to command the stage and be the centre of attention.

I have received many kind compliments from those who loved my ensemble performances and praised my energy, expression, and enthusiasm. Some have pushed that I would shine in a major role. Well, now it is time to see if such claims are correct, and if I can deliver.

I am having an absolute blast playing Mr. Beaver, and it is really fun playing off Emily, I think we are an incredible team. I get to do quite a bit of physical humour in this show, but it wouldn't work if Emily wasn't playing off me in such a fun and unique to-our-skills way.

I am very grateful to Malakai Fox and Marissa Kate Wilson for having faith in someone who has only done two shows and giving me a chance to dive into a major part. I have every intention of pouring my heart into this and proving it was the right choice. I know Emily is going to deliver as she always does with her amazing talent to excel at everything. This is by far the biggest role that I've ever been given, and it may be the biggest that I'll ever get. I hope to demonstrate I can handle more fun parts in the future.

We are less than a month away from opening night and I have to admit I'm a little nervous. I don't have all the lines memorized at this point thanks to the chaos of the flood, my battle with mental health, and frantically trying to rebuild my career being dominant on my mind. The words are slowly latching onto my brain, and I'm devoting more time this week to going over them. Don't worry, my character won't be walking around with a scroll or giant cardboard leaf hiding my script on opening night. I also feel we are way behind on putting everything together, but I always feel like that, and opening night is always great. Welcome to theatre, seems to be the answer there.

The play is packed with incredible and gifted performers. Malakai, as always, has proven to be a creative and gifted director as he has crafted several cool sequences that deliver a great combination of drama, humour, and fright. As someone from the Saturday Morning Cartoon Generation, I definitely appreciate a few sequences that are terrific homages to the best of Looney Tunes. There is some very fun and entertaining stuff in this show, and I promise you it will be different than any other version of the play.

I need to give a shout-out to Marissa as well, who does a whole lot of unrecognized magic behind the scenes including being in charge of costumes. This one is packed with mythical creatures, so it is a demanding one in that department. Both are playing significant roles with Kai as Aslan and Marissa as Susan Pevensie, and anyone who has come to our previous shows knows they will over-deliver and amaze.

This is the youngest cast I've been a part of, and I am likely the oldest person in the show. There are many kids, but they have all proven to shine in their roles, and I am impressed by the amazing amount of talent and energy. All the kids will impress and earn a great ovation from every audience.

I also want to spotlight a few other cast members. I've worked with Braedyn Edwards and Jessy Davis before, and both are absolutely wonderful people, but also radiating with stage presence and talent.  Jessy is incredibly adorable as Lucy, and I promise you that you'll love her because it is impossible not to. I know Alissa Cooper outside of theatre, but she has blown me away with the mix of alluring and frightening portrayals of the White Witch. This is a stunning performance, and if I handed out awards, she would get one -- but I don't. I've also had the pleasure of meeting Ralph Tutin who brings a very distinct and fun take on Tumnus, but also just happens to be a kind and friendly person. The entire cast is stuffed with wonderful people who are amazing performers.

I recognize most of my readers don't even live in Canada but if you just happen to find yourself in Kitchener or Fergus this August then the play will be terrific entertainment for the whole family. I was grateful for the readers who have come out to my previous shows, and I'd love to meet and greet more after this one. 

You can get tickets for the Kitchener show by following this link.

You can get tickets for Fergus here.
