Another Lesson Learned from My Kids

Kids are so resilient and proof sometimes adults should follow their lead. 

I got a phone call Wednesday afternoon that Everett broke his toe at camp. After the recent flood that destroyed our basement and many possessions and my own battered mental health, I just wanted to cry out, 'So, this is how the summer is going!' 

I was heartbroken because he was so excited and overjoyed leading up to this week. I knew it wouldn't be the same now that he has a broken toe to slow him down. 

But then I talked to him. 

Everett was in such good spirits. Sure, he was a little bummed he couldn't do all the activities he wanted to now. He wasn't upset. He was getting the most out of every activity that he could participate in. 

I constantly tell my kids, 'You can't always control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond.' 

After these past few weeks, Everett has been a shining example of what that phrase means. I'm so proud of his ability to remain positive and enjoy the moment even when it isn't exactly the way he had hoped. My kids keep teaching me things and reminding me of the positive and joy-filled way to live a life even with all its complications and surprises. 

As well, the health person at the camp told me how impressed she was that she never had to track Everett down and he arrived right on schedule to ice his toe and take his pain medication. That is my boy, you give him a set of instructions and he is going to follow it exactly. 

The picture is not from this week but a few summers ago, because I didn't just want to repost the photo of him sitting on his bed again.
