The Breakdown of 'King Kong' (2005), 'Bad Trip' and 'Operation Varsity Blue: The College Admissions Scandal'

For the third straight week, we've got a King Kong review and this time it is Peter Jackson's 2005 version, which is a clear love letter to the original but also elevates the beloved creature feature subgenre to blockbuster epic status. We also review a picture that fuses hidden camera gags with a buddy road-trip comedy in Bad Trip. We continue our streak of looking at documentaries with Operation Varsity Blues: The College Admissions Scandal. After the reviews, we wrap things up with a look at fan entitlement and how studios should handle the toxicity that is polluting social media.

As always, we had a blast recording this episode. If you love listening to it, then please help us out by spreading the word on social media. We can become a bigger and better podcast if even more great movie fans can discover us.

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The Movies' Four-Star Rating
King Kong (2005) **** (CS) & *** (SM)
Operation Varsity Blues: The College Admissions Scandal. **½ (CS) & *** (SM)
Bad Trip **½ (CS & SM) 
