The Breakdown of 'A Simple Plan', 'Bliss' and 'I Care a Lot'

It's a Monday, so your ears must just be begging for some movie review chatter. We discuss three pictures this week, including Sam Raimi's 1998 psychological thriller, A Simple Plan. One of the goals of the podcast is to explore and celebrate movies from the past, especially some that may not be as remembered or talked about today. This picture was one of the big break-out moments for Raimi as it showed his diversity as a director, and we talk about the importance of this movie.

We also discuss two 2021 releases, and both are from Amazon Prime. We have a trippy sci-fi romance in Bliss and what is being marketed as a black comedy in I Care a Lot. After the movie reviews, we discuss the news that there are plans for a Black Superman movie, and we analyze what type of impact that will have.

We always have a blast recording this show, and we really hope you love listening to it. If you do, please help us out by spreading the word on social media, so other movie fans can find us.

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The Movies' Four-Star Rating
A Simple Plan **** (CS & SM)
Bliss **½ (CS) & ** (SM) 
I Care a Lot *½ (CS) & ** (SM) 
