Eight Ways to Lock Your Radar on Success

I have declared that 2020 is the year of thinking positively and believing success is here. It is a mindset that I started honing at the very start of the year and then when March hit, a mindset that I realized that I needed in order to survive. It hasn't meant that my depression has evaporated or that only great things pour into my life, but it has given me an optimistic perspective, allowed me to be more grateful and to have stronger confidence when dark voices come calling.

I'm learning and growing every day. Here are eight things that I've tried implementing in my life in order to bring more success in my life. I am defining the term success as having a sense of accomplishment, being proud of where my life is at this moment and having a continued sense of happiness and contentment. Of course, some days I feel more successful than others, but my hope is that this list can bring some value to your life as well.

1. Talk with confidence that what you have to say matters but then listen with humility and openness that what you're hearing can teach you and make your life better.

2. Believe your deepest dreams and goals are already here, and they are just waiting for the right time for you to tightly grasp them. Don't ever give up on the things you really want, but rather continue to trust the work and effort you are investing means they already are here, but they just haven't made themselves visible yet.

3. Be sincerely and honestly grateful for every great thing in your life. Make a daily list of each of these things.

4. Celebrate the successes and achievements of others, because their victories mean it can happen for you too.

5. Be generous and kind because it is the most heroic and noble thing that we can all do.

6.  Live and love the moment you are in. Every moment is a wonderful gift for you to open and enjoy. Every current moment is what matters the most and needs all your energy and attention. Your past and future do matter, but it can all be shaped by how you decide to deal with what is happening now. So, always love, embrace and live it the best you can.

7. Take a chance. Take a chance to be different. Take a chance to stand-out. Take a chance at success. Take a chance at making a big risk. Take a chance at making your life better than you could ever imagine. Take a chance at asking that person the question you've been meaning to say. Take a chance of living the life that you dream. Take a chance with love. Just take the chance on what you've been meaning to do for the last decade.

8. The bravest and strongest choice is the one that demands kindness, compassion and empathy.
