
The Very Important Thing That I Learned from My Son Being Able to Ride His Bike

If You're Interested in Foster Care or Just Really Heartfelt Writing, Then I Have the Site for You!

The Breakdown of 'Hellraiser', 'Piranha', 'The Stranger', 'Tigertail' and 'Love, Wedding, Repeat'

Some Gorgeous 'Tigertail' Artwork to Go with This Week's 'The Movie Breakdown'

Scott Answers if 'Battleship' Deserved to Be Sunk

The Midweek Breakdown Plus: Are You Hungry for a YA Prequel?

The Midweek Breakdown: The Remake

The Breakdown of 'Coffee & Kareem', 'The Platform', 'Shaun of the Dead', 'Suspiria' and Remembering Brian Dennehy

Scott Martin Guest Post: Is 'Men at Work' As Bad as Its Reputation?

Scott Martin Guest Post: Is 'The Last Airbender' Really as Bad as Its Reputation?

The Midweek Breakdown: Would You Uber Eat Movie Popcorn?

The Great 2020 Easter Sunday Egg Hunt