The Movie Breakdown of A Nightmare on Elm Street, Clouds of Silas Maria, Big Trouble in Little China, and 1408

This week Scott and I review four pictures including 1980s genre favourites in A Nightmare on Elm Street and Big Trouble in Little China. After that we discuss the rise of streaming and how it will affect the industry. As always if you enjoy the show then please spread the world.

Podcast Outline:

04:08  A Nightmare on Elm Street review
24:14  Clouds of Sils Maria review
39:35  Big Trouble in Little China review
58:48 1408 review
1:14:57 The rise of streaming services
1:28:43 Critical Darling Update & Everett's Trick or Treat Adventures
1:35:58 Box Office Update
1:38:22 Review Rundown

Rating Rundown:

A Nightmare on Elm Street **** (CS & SM)
Clouds of Sils Maria ***½ (CS & SM)
Big Trouble in Little China **** (CS) & ***½ (SM)
1408 *** (CS & SM)

Critical Darling Draft Pick:

Scott: 85 points

1. Carol
2. Brooklyn - 15 points
3. Macbeth
4. 99 Homes - 15 points
5. Joy
6. Good Dinosaur
7. Suffragette - 10 points
8. Hateful Eight
9. Room - 15 points
10. Sicario - 15 points
Fool’s Gamble: 15 points

Christopher: 20 points

1. The Revenant
2. The Danish Girl
3. Spotlight - 15 points
4. I Saw the Light 0 points (Moved to March 2016)
5. Crimson Peak 0 points
6. Steve Jobs 10 points
7. Youth
8. Truth - 0 points
9. Our Brand is Crisis - (-5) points
10. Star Wars VII: Force Awakens
