The Movie Breakdown Episode 105 Podcast: 'American Ultra' Slacks in Originality but Burns it Up with the Leads

This week Scoot and I review the pot-smoking slacker turns Jason Bourne comedic actioner, American Ultra. Since it is the time of the year where studios dump their cinematic debris, we decided to open the vault for our second review with the original Sinister. From there we discuss topics like the future for Josh Trank, what will be the next big adult drama trend, and if film writers spend too much time on big blockbusters.

As always if you love the show then spread the word.

The Movie Breakdown Outline:

00:00 - 2:06 Intro
2:07 - 12:08 Everett's first adventure at Canada's Wonderland
12:09 - 21:13American Ultra review
21:14 - 32:50 Sinister (2012) review
32:51 - 41:13 Box Office Game Final Scores
41:14 - 54:02 Can Josh Trank's career recover?
54:03 - 1:00:19 Wanting diversity in blockbusters when independents are delivering
1:00:20 - 1:12:13 Predicting next trend in prestige pictures
1:12:14 - 1:15:34 Carol trailer
1:15:35 - 1:17:05 Victor Frankenstein trailer
1:17:06 - 1:21:33 The Scout's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse trailer
1:21:34 - Review Rundown & Conclusion

Star Ratings:

American Ultra (2015) **½ (CS & SM)
Sinister (2012) *** (CS) & **½ (SM)
