So, I Haven't Filled Your BuddyTV Article Craving?

Well, I've just got two more articles published on the site.  You've got three articles to fill your time in between swimming heats tonight.  You'll want to check them out, because I think they're pretty good, but also, it is easier to justify getting more work if people actually read my stuff.

My second article for the site is about Canadian diver Alexandre Despatie's remarkable recovery from his career threatening injury he sustained in June.  It was a Hollywood like comeback, but we'll have to wait to see if it has a happy ending.

My third article of the night is an incredible story about marathon runner Guor Marial.  He is running as an independent in the Olympics, but he is still full of patriotism.  Defintiely check out his amazing journey to the Olympics, because he has experience stuff many athletes have never even imagined.

It is two great tales about recovery and preseverance.  It is stories like these, that make me love the Olympics.  Plus there is also my first article about crazy former Olympic sports, which may make you laugh a little after the two deeper articles.
