
Everett Thinks You Should Bundle Up If You Go Out Today

Finally Saw The Walking Dead Season 2 Finale. . .

An Ode to a Clingy Baby

Will Wrestlemania XXVIII Make Wrestling Cool Again?

Get My Son a Cape, Because He has a Super Power

A Good Book Can Have Awful Fans

3 Months Old

Enjoy It Whilte It Lasts

Probably Doesn't Need to Be Said But. . .

Some Interesting Thoughts on Why It Is Easy Being a White Straight Male

Are Books Always Better Than the Movie?

Evidence I Am Really Just a Giant Sappy Suck

The Apparently Obligatory Sears Dishwasher Follow Up

An Awesome Quote Comparing Twilight and Harry Potter, Plus My Own Thoughts

I Just Missed St. Patrick's Day, So Have a Kind of Irish Song to Make Up For It

And Now the Blog Gets Messy. . .

A Little "Roll Up the Rim" Bragging

The Greatest Reading of "Where the Wild Things Are"

Survivor and More Quick TV Show Thoughts

Hey Everybody, Collective Publishing Has a New Pop Culture Writer

Places a Baby Can Sleep

A Quick Bit of Writer Advice That Comes from Personal Experience

Trying to Remember I Have Three "Sons"

Sears Works Hard to Convince Me to Never Buy a Major Appliance in Brantford

Survivor One World Leaves Me Bum Puzzled

Even Though Commuting to Work Sounds so Fun. . .

Maybe This is Why I'm Not a Paid Critic

The Most Viewed Posts of February 2012

Away for the Day

At Least I Didn't Fall Asleep Watching "Awake". . .

Soothing the Crying Baby

Hey, Look It's March! Let's Have a TV Round Up