The Greatest Boxing Day Surprise Ever: AKA The Most Wonderful Excuse for Not Blogging for Several Days

You may have noticed this blog started to imitate a ghost town once Christmas day hit. Though unless your pre The Christmas Carol Ebenezer Scrooge then you probably weren't incredibly surprised that I didn't get around to posting something on the biggest family holiday of the year.

But then Boxing Day hit and there was still no Spicer rantings and ravings.

Then Tuesday.

Then Wednesday.

At no point did I do my typical warning that I'll be away from the computer for an extended period of time. Yet, here I was being all absent and silent.

The reason is because I wasn't expecting to make a few day hiatus from the blog. I also wasn't planning on taking on any days off (other than the typical holidays) from work this week. But I did.

My plan on Monday was to post incredibly adorable Christmas photos of my furry boys, Summit and Crosby. But it seems like someone else had other plans, and plans that meant I wasn't going to be doing much at the computer at all.

Boxing Day this year was the date where I received the greatest gift I could ever imagine.

This Boxing Day, I received something very unexpected.

This Boxing Day I became a daddy.

Emily and I have never been known as punctual people. We definitely aren't very good at being early. It seems like lateness may not run in the blood. Because our 6 pounds and 7 ounces of pure baby joy arrived at 2:54pm on Boxing Day -- which is 9 days earlier than the January 4th 'due date.'

What can I say, my son is a keener.

That is right, MY SON. My beautiful, amazing, handsome, adorable, precious son. My son who as I write about him this very moment causes some tears of pure joy to come to my eyes.

December 26th, 2011 will always be remembered as one of the most special days of my entire life. It was a pretty crazy story and a story I'll save for later day. I will give away the happy ending. I held my son for the very first time, and experienced the most powerful 'spiritual' moment in my life. I realized that I was now daddy, and this little man was my son. A person who I vow to always love and always protect and always take care of.

Boxing Day will always hold a very special place for me now on, because it is day that Everett David Yan Keung Spicer entered into the world and changed my life forever.

I love you Everett, and welcome to life. It is a crazy place, but I'll be here to give you advice and encourage you when you need it. I'll probably make you pretty mad sometimes, and you'll do the very same to me. You'll also make me smile and laugh, and I'll do my best to return the favour. We've got lots to look forward to, but now, I'm just going to enjoy you being my firstborn son, and the greatest gift I could ever imagine.

I joke that things aren't official until they're smeared all over the internet. Well, this blog post is going to be linked on several social media sites, and so I think this makes things as official as you could ever want.

Please welcome to this world, Everett David Yan Keung Spicer, my wonderful son.


  1. Anonymous3:27 pm

    Sarah McAlister via Facebook:

    likes this

  2. Anonymous3:28 pm

    Elizabeth MacArthur via Facebook:

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  3. Anonymous3:29 pm

    Elizabeth MacArthur via Facebook:

    THIS IS WONDERFUL! Congratulations!!! :)

  4. Anonymous3:36 pm

    Katy Heinle Dalton via Facebook:

    likes this.

  5. Anonymous3:38 pm

    David Wierzbicki via Facebook:

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  6. Crystal3:38 pm

    Congrats from your friends at the office!! We are so excited and happy for the both of you. He is ADORABLE! Congrats!

  7. Anonymous3:40 pm

    Nikki Virgin via Facebook:

    You guys have the same hair style...

  8. He has a lot more though.

  9. Anonymous3:45 pm

    Kendel Leishman Ince via Facebook:

    Congratulations Chris! He is a cutie! :)

  10. He has a lot more though.

  11. Anonymous3:48 pm

    Kendel Leishman Ince via Facebook:

    Congratulations Chris! He is a cutie! :)

  12. Anonymous3:58 pm

    Emily G Stewart via Facebook:

    likes this.

  13. Anonymous4:02 pm

    Crystal Champagne via Facebook:

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  14. DianeBertolin4:08 pm

    Can't imagine a better Christmas gift. Congratulations.

  15. Sandy Stevens4:59 pm

    Congrats Chris and Emily! Job well done! Enjoy the world of little boys; trucks, snakes, worms, scraped knees, stunts on bikes, smelly laundry and messy rooms. I loved every minute of it and now look back a baby/boy pics and pine for my three little men. Eat him right up! Hugs to all and blessings on 2012 <3

  16. Anonymous12:13 pm

    Diane Ellis via Facebook:

    He is adorable.

  17. Anonymous12:14 pm

    Jocelyn Wang Caldwell via Facebook:

    Congrats again!

  18. Anonymous12:14 pm

    Wanda Hunt via Facebook:

    Congratulations to all of you...what a wonderful way to begin a new year!!!

  19. Anonymous12:15 pm

    Linda Teakle via Facebook:

    Congratulations to all of you... what a handsome boy... enjoy every moment.. even the noisy ones!

  20. Anonymous12:15 pm

    Lindsey McQuade via Facebook:

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  21. Anonymous12:16 pm

    Ken Teakle via Facebook:

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  22. Anonymous12:16 pm

    Glenda Sibbick Willett via Facebook:

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  23. Anonymous12:17 pm

    Carolyn Ho via Facebook:

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  24. Anonymous12:17 pm

    Shelley Oenema Bowker via Facebook:

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  25. Anonymous12:18 pm

    Jenny Ackland-Elliott via Facebook:

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  26. Anonymous12:18 pm

    Geoffrey Ng via Facebook:

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  27. Anonymous12:18 pm

    David Wierzbicki via Facebook:

    likes this.

  28. Anonymous12:19 pm

    Katy Heinle Dalton via Facebook:

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  29. Anonymous12:19 pm

    Krisztina Klail via Facebook:

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  30. Anonymous12:20 pm

    Crystal Champagne via Facebook:

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  31. Anonymous12:20 pm

    Catherine Ho via Facebook:

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  32. Anonymous12:21 pm

    Linda Teakle via Facebook:

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  33. Anonymous12:23 pm

    Sara Ng Thomson via Facebook:

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  34. Anonymous12:23 pm

    Krisztina Klail via Facebook:

    i'd like to hear the crazy story!

  35. Anonymous12:24 pm

    Dee Da Silva via Facebook:

    Yay Chris. He looks perfect. Welcome to the insanity that is parenthood. Give Emily a hug. I'm thrilled for you both!

  36. Anonymous12:24 pm

    Jonathan Tam via Facebook:

    Congrats Chris!

  37. Anonymous12:25 pm

    Kate Logan via Facebook:

    Congrats Chris & Emily on your beautiful baby boy!!

  38. Anonymous12:25 pm

    Julie Easson via Facebook:

    Congrats Chris on your baby boy

  39. Anonymous12:26 pm

    Rebbecca Culp via Facebook:


  40. Anonymous12:26 pm

    John Kerr via Facebook:

    Congratulations Chris. Very exciting!

  41. Anonymous12:26 pm

    ScottandAngela Bayley via Facebook:

    Beautiful! Congratulations guys! He is adorable! Love the hair!!!

  42. Anonymous12:27 pm

    Dave Nelson via Facebook:

    i think you missed a great chance for a boxing themed name like Rocky but congratulations none the less!

  43. Anonymous12:27 pm

    Jenny Ackland-Elliott via Facebook:

    Awwe! :) Chris, your note was beautiful and very touching. Congratulations to you and Emily!!! We are so happy for you!!! Enjoy every moment!!! Everett is so adorable!!!

  44. Thank you everyone for the really sweet well wishes. We're very excited and happy parents.

    Dave: His name does mean 'strong like a wild boar', which is pretty cool.

  45. Anonymous12:33 pm

    Vincent Ho via Facebook:

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  46. Anonymous12:34 pm

    Katy Heinle Dalton

    He's precious Christopher! Isn't this whole parent gig amazing? My little Lily has such a hold on my heart...I can't imagine life without her. Congratulations to you and Emily.

  47. Katy: It is the most magical and spiritual moment I've ever experienced. I'm overwhelmed by how much I already love him.

  48. Anonymous12:43 pm

    Karen Anderson King via Facebook:

    Congrats!! He's adorable!

  49. Anonymous1:06 pm

    Dawn Murnaghan Johnson via Facebook:

    Congrats Chris and Emily!!!! So exciting!!!

  50. Anonymous1:07 pm

    Lina R. via Facebook:

    Congrats! Pls send my love to Em and Everett too!

  51. Anonymous9:45 pm

    Dana McMahon via Facebook:

    Congratulations Chris and Emily!

  52. Anonymous12:09 pm

    Ruthanne Kerr via Facebook:

    likes this.

  53. Aunt Deborah1:58 pm

    Amazing! Congratulations


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