My Wonderful and Amazing Life Changing Announcement

Over on Facebook and Twitter, I was promising a huge announcement on my blog. This would be that announcement.

Now, you may be thinking, "Oh good golly, Christopher got him one of those bookie deallie things!" And that would be a pretty big announcement. But it is bigger than that.

Now, you may be thinking, "Oh good golly, Christopher got him one of those flying dragons that shoots skittles out of its nose!" And that would also be a huge announcement and be really cool. But it is even bigger than that.

Now, you may be thinking, "Oh good golly, Christopher got him the answer to the Caramilk secret!" And that would also be paramount news and put an end to 30 years of lame commercials. But it is much, much, much bigger.

Now, you are thinking, "Get on with the announcement already!"


Drum roll please.

In January, I am going to be a daddy.

Yep, there will be a little Spicer running about and causing havoc to the entire world (or at least, his/her crib).

I am super excited and glad I can be responsible for my side of the family getting them titles like grandpa and grandma and uncle and aunt. I only have experience with the uncle title, but I can say it is a pretty sweet one.

But now, I get the new title of daddy. I am pretty pumped about that one.

As much as I hope to land a book deal or fly a dragon, this is a far greater and bigger thing.

I've been sitting on this news for quite bit, because really, that is my right. It is nice to finally get it out there and share something that has had me and Emily excited for a few months now.

So, I am going to do the fatherly thing now and make some money for my baby.


  1. Anonymous8:34 am

    Tiffany Million via Facebook:

    Now THAT is exciting! Congrats!!!

  2. See, you just jumped the gun a little.

  3. Anonymous8:35 am

    Tiffany Million via Facebook:

    I got bored waiting. I'm impatient, what can I say?

  4. Anonymous8:44 am

    Layla Ho via Facebook:

    Yea!!! I quite like the title of "Auntie!" :)

  5. Anonymous8:56 am

    Tim Million via Facebook:

    Congrats, man! :D

  6. Anonymous9:02 am

    Kathy Greenslade Zimmerman via Facebook:

    Congratulations!!! Congratulations to your parents, too.

  7. Anonymous9:41 am

    Heather Badhouse via Facebook:

    Congratulations! That is so exciting!!!!

  8. Anonymous9:41 am

    Heather Badhouse via Facebook:

    likes this.

  9. Anonymous11:56 am

    Brandon Oliver via Facebook:

    Congrats dude.

  10. Anonymous12:08 pm

    Marlene Mark Werkema via Facebook:


  11. Anonymous2:18 pm

    David Wierzbicki via Facebook:

    likes this.

  12. Anonymous5:28 pm

    Katy Heinle Dalton via Facebook:

    Congrats Chistopher and Emily!...and not to far behind me!

  13. Thank you everyone for the kind words and congratulations.

    Katy: Emily is currently 16 weeks.

  14. Anonymous5:53 pm

    Katy Heinle Dalton via Facebook:

    No way! I'm 17 1/2 weeks! How exciting! We need to see some baby bump pics!

  15. I'm sure they'll be coming soon enough.

  16. Anonymous5:55 pm

    Jackie Wilson via Facebook:

    likes this

  17. Anonymous6:31 pm

    ScottandAngela Bayley via Facebook:

    Congrats guys! What happy news for you and your families!

  18. Anonymous7:00 pm

    Geoffrey Ng via Facebook:

    likes this

  19. Anonymous8:23 pm

    Mel Doner via Facebook:

    Congrats Chris!!! Now for the big question....what are you going to name your little one?!?!

  20. Mel: You notice how long we've held on to the information of Emily being pregnant? Do you really think we'll just give up our top secret name already?

  21. Anonymous8:25 pm

    Jude Martin via Facebook:

    so happy and excited for you...congratulations!!!

  22. Anonymous9:19 pm

    Mel Doner via Facebook:

    Chris, obviously not...I'm just preparing myself for something like "Heeman jr" or "the flash"....or, or, or...well, the Chris Spicer possibilities are endless. You better let Emily choose or else your child might be mocked in school playgrounds for life...!

  23. Emily has already nixed He-man, Optimus Prime and Diva Thin Muffin. But believe it or not, she has liked some of my other suggestions.

  24. Anonymous10:16 pm

    Sonya Lee McDonald-Heath via Facebook:

    I cannot believe it but am extremely excited!!! Congrats... DADDY & MOMMY!

  25. Anonymous8:22 am

    Gerry G-Qu Quammie via Facebook:


  26. Anonymous10:04 am

    Tim Teakle via Facebook:

    likes this.

  27. Anonymous11:51 am

    Joanne Pyl via Facebook:

    likes this

  28. Anonymous6:02 pm

    Glenda Dunning via Facebook:


  29. Anonymous7:52 pm

    Rachel Martin via Facebook:


  30. Anonymous7:54 pm

    Sandy Faulkner-Stevens via Facebook:

    Ahhh...Baby Spicer!! Congrats!


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