So, Can the Conspiracy Nutjobs Take a Nap Now?

Al-Qaeda has officially confirmed the death of Osama Bin Laden, and posted their release on several of the militant sites. They've also promised fiery vengeance but that was sort of assumed by everyone once the death of Osama was announced. I think, the important thing here is that the announcement done by Al-Qaeda throws a wrench in the crazy conspiracy machine that has been building over the last several days about how Obama and crew were faking the death of Osama in order to boost popularity and help their re-election hopes.

Of course, that won't stop them form being all crazy and anti-Obama just like how the birth certificate never stopped them from declaring him an illegitimate President. Or how they're still convinced he is a Muslim or the reason why MacGyver was cancelled (maybe). I am not foolish enough to think that the anti-Obama crazy train will actually be derailed, but I'm hoping they might decide to come up with something else crazier (and hilarious) rather than claiming Osama died of sniffles 10years ago and the whole Sunday showdown was as staged as the moon landing (because crazies believe everything that normal people know are actually shit crazy).

Unless of course, the theorist want to claim that Al-Qaeda is in on the whole lie because. . . um. . . oh my god, Obama is the actual leader of Al-Qaeda and Osama was always just a CGI graphic and all of the Democrats are behind this in a desperate attempt to allow Islam to crush America because all Democrats like to be ruled and oppressed by terrorists (or aliens if they ever get here). Actually, I sort of expect something like this (especially the part about the aliens).

I guess, I'm actually the crazy for thinking this will shut up any of the Anti-Obamites. But it is always nice to dream.


  1. Anonymous9:03 pm

    Zane Grant via Facebook:

    Errrr...Al Qaeda...announcing somethimg doesn't mean anything. For those of us who believe that Al Quaeda is still a CIA operative campaign this simply confirms that the globalists are still utilizing fear to take away the freedoms of humanity.

    Whether Bin Laden was killed in this raid or died 9-10 years ago is irrelevant. What is relevant, is that they have used this boogeyman to create and propagate their agenda of world dominance through fear.

    So us conspiracy nutjobs, won't nap....because we believe the evidence points in the direction of something very domination by the corporate fascist world leaders.

  2. I haven't decided if I am supposed to cower from you in fear or burst out in laughter at your excellent parody skills.

  3. Anonymous9:05 pm

    Zane Grant via Facebook:


  4. Anonymous10:11 am

    ScottandAngela Bayley via Facebook:

    He gets lol and I get a lecture on arrogance and humility...

  5. Anonymous10:11 am

    Zane Grant via Facebook:

    LOL....he was witty!

  6. Anonymous12:54 pm

    ScottandAngela Bayley via Facebook:



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