Hey Christopher, How Is Your New Washer?

Well, actually, it's a little invisible at the moment


Even though today was supposed to be 'Glorious Washer Has Finally Arrived After Waiting Since May 1st' day, it seems like the appliance gods had other ideas. Or maybe the problem was that the name of the day was far too long to fit on any calendars thus no one actually knew about it. So instead of getting the promised brand new washer and dryer, we got a floor model that was missing hoses and had a fresh exacto knife scratch. Since that wasn't what was specified on our bill, we asked they return it so we can get. . . you know, what we're actually paying for.

So, the almost 4 month long headache known as 'Dealing With TA Appliances' continues, and my dirty laundry mountain continues to grow while slowly taking control of the bedroom.

I'll either have a washer soon, or be consumed by a collection of sweaty but fashionable shorts.


  1. Anonymous4:41 pm

    Jude Martin via Facebook:

    lol...or do what Rick does when the laundry piles up...go to value village :}


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